You are invited to Gather25, a free worldwide gathering for all Jesus-followers! The live broadcast event begins February 28 and will span 25 hours and six continents. At Morning Star Church, we will be tuning in from 8am-6pm on Saturday, March 1st. We will have ways to guide you in prayer for our community and connect you to ministries in our church as we worship and pray alongside the rest of the world! Feel free to drop in for as little or as much time as you would like!
Don't miss this incredible opportunity to gather with the global Church!
Don't miss this incredible opportunity to gather with the global Church!
Schedule of Events
We will be streaming Gather25 in both The Auditorium and The Venue all day, but in addition to the stream, we have a few things planned to help us listen to how the Holy Spirit wants to mobilize us to share the love of Jesus in our community. Feel free to come for a little bit or a lot! Food will not be provided but you are free to bring your own food - and we hope that at the end of the day you'll want to go out to dinner with your fellow Jesus-followers to share about what you experienced! No childcare is provided, but children are welcome!
8am - The Auditorium open for Streaming
10am - The Venue open for Streaming
12pm - MSC Ministry Fair in The Venue
12pm-4pm - Guided Prayer Moments specifically for our Community
10am - The Venue open for Streaming
12pm - MSC Ministry Fair in The Venue
12pm-4pm - Guided Prayer Moments specifically for our Community
Broadcast Schedule at MSC
8am-12pm - Streaming from Dallas, TX in The Auditorium
- Speakers -Priscilla Shirer, John Mark Comer, Jennie Allen
- Guided Prayer led by Tyler Staton
- Worship led by Kari Jobe & Codie Carnes, Davy Flowers Leffall, Layla de la Garza, Jen Johnson, and Tasha Cobbs
10am-1pm- Streaming from Kigali, Rwanda in The Venue
- Speakers - Moses Mukisa, Rosisang Thandikiso, and Charles Mugish (the founder of Africa New Life)
- Worship led by Israel Mbonyi, Nathaniel Bassey, the Africa New Life Collab Worship Team, and the Watoto Children's Choir
12pm - MSC Ministry Fair in the Venue
12pm-4pm - Guided Prayer for our Community in The Auditorium while streaming continues
12pm-3pm - Replay of Kigali, Rwanda in The Auditorium
1pm - 2pm - Streaming Stories from the Persecuted Church in The Venue
2pm - 5pm - Streaming from Cluj, Romania
- Speakers - Doru Cirdei, Louis Giglio, and Cristian Barbosu
- Worship led Matt Maher & Taya and Harvest Collab Worship Band
- Prayer led by Pastor Stanislav and Ann Voskamp
- Stories from The Church serving in Ukraine
3pm - 6pm - Streaming from London, UK
- Speakers - Stephen Foster and Nicky & Pippa Gumbel (founders of Alpha)
- Worship Led by Matt Redma and Saint Church Band
We hope you will join us for this historic event!
If you have any questions or ways that you feel led to prayer for our community, please contact Shari Hunt at shari.hunt@mscwired.org.