Our Morning Star Resource Center works with families throughout the year and invites those who are most in need. Through our partnership with the Wentzville School District, school counselors in specific schools invite families they identify as eligible for holiday assistance. Families in the community who request assistance are directed to the Resource Center and placed on a waiting list.
HOW ARE THE TOYS PURCHASED?The funds needed to support Christmas Shoppe come from the generous donations of Morning Star Church during our Christmas-in-July initiative. Dedicated and masterful volunteer leaders are tasked with scouring ads and staying up to date with the most wanted toys throughout the year, then purchase on sale and in bulk.
WHY ARE THERE SO MANY TOYS LEFT OVER?Our goal is to have enough inventory that shoppers who come at the end of the day have the same opportunity and choices as earlier shoppers. Leftover inventory after Christmas Shoppe closes is used as a starter for next year.
Assigning shoppers and helpers with the same name tags gives us all the opportunity to simply see one another as neighbors – no labels, no categories. Also, many of our shoppers also volunteer, so we like to keep things simple!
WHY AREN'T THERE MORE SHOPPERS AT ANY GIVEN TIME?All families are scheduled according to the number of children that can be supervised in the Kids' Shoppe at any given time, keeping within the ratios of our Safe Sanctuaries policy.
CAN I PAY FOR AN EXTRA GIFT FOR THE FAMILY I'M WITH AS A PERSONAL SHOPPER?Part of giving dignity and empowerment is letting families provide for themselves. Gifts are nice, but we are also intentional about limits on gifts because we know that Christmas can quickly slip into materialism. Relationship is the gift we wish to give. You are welcome to grow a mutually benefiting relationship with your family beyond The Christmas Shoppe.
WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO WHEN FAMILIES PAY FOR THE GIFTS?Right back into helping families! All proceeds are donated to the MSC Resource Center, allowing families to give back and pay it forward.