International Outreach

Through our International Outreach we hope to connect the lives of our congregation and the lives of those in our global partnerships in order to enrich both communities. With annual Serve Trips and financial support we combine faith and service.


Morning Star has a couple of ways we get to share in what God is doing in Guatemala. We partner with missionaries Randy and Brenda Purcell through Missionary Ventures International (MVI) and help support their day to day work as they minister to pastors and their churches throughout Guatemala.

We also have the honor of helping fund two feeding centers, one through a woman named Sarita Carson and another through a single pastor, Neri Flores. Sarita’s feeding center serves a meal to 200 children 5 days a week! She has greatly impacted her community by putting into action her motto, “If I can feed their stomachs, I can feed their minds. If I can feed their minds, I can feed their souls.” The other feeding center has been personally funded by Pastor Neri and with Morning Star’s help he is not only able to keep the doors open to the 60-80 children that come for food twice a week, but he is able to expand this ministry. He also has gained the trust of the community so that he can teach values classes in the local school weekly. It’s an honor that we at Morning Star get to share what God has given us to make such an impact in a place such as this! You should really go see for yourself sometime!

In the past, we have led VBS and done construction projects on schools, churches, and an orphanage. We are currently planning ways to further our partnership in Guatemala.


Morning Star Church has been partnering with the people of Honduras since 2004.

There are a few ways we seek to build our partnership with the people of Honduras. First, we support missionaries in Honduras who help host mission teams throughout the year and are on the ground serving our Honduran brothers and sisters day in and day out. We also partner with the church in La Jagua offering support in leadership, discipleship, and the means for them to attend to the physical needs of their congregation and community.  And finally, we support our friends in Honduras with our presence as we encourage and love them on our 1 to 2-week long Serve Trips. On these trips, we have helped provide medical support by holding clinics, worked with our partner church’s ministries, led Vacation Bible Schools and women’s Bible studies, and carried out projects that help provide clean water and stoves.
In 2017, our church sent a small group to Honduras for a listening trip. They met extensively with our partner church and missionaries, as well as with 16 other churches across Honduras. They took the time to listen to the needs, concerns, and hopes of the Honduran pastors. They learned from the pastors in order to continue to build better partnerships for the glory of God.


Did you know that Morning Star has had a partner church in Mozambique almost since our beginning? This little village named Cuamba is in a remote area in the northern part of the country and we support the efforts of the local church there as needs arise. For example, we bought the pastor a motorcycle so he didn’t have to travel on foot to get needed supplies for his community! As we grow our partnership with Cuamba, we have the opportunity to pray, visit, encourage, share skills and resources, and seek ways together to further the Kingdom of God in even the most remote areas of our world.

To see the latest report from our partners in ministry in Mozambique Click Here.

Want to Join Us?

Join us on an International Serve Trip.
Help financially support the International ministries we serve!